Chevy Silverado "Romance" Super Bowl spot

2014 Super Bowl spot for the 2015 Silverado. Global Creative Director: Steve Chavez Executive Creative Director: Steve Silver Art Director: David Ayriss Copywriter: Ron Saltmarsh, David Ayriss Agency: Leo Burnett Detroit

Chevrolet Silverado
Steve Silver invited my partner Ron Saltmarsh and I to be part of his “A man and his truck” campaign that launched the 2014 Silverado.
By the time this spot aired, folks were pretty familiar with “A man and his truck”. But this was the Super Bowl. We needed something extra. And that something was a bull that turned the heads of all the bovine babes. Ad Age reported it as “one of the most viewed ads ahead of the Super Bowl”. It has over five and a half million views and counting on YouTube

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